A fixed-point library for C++.
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NfxdThis is the namespace where the entire library is defined
 NdownRound down
 NexceptThrow on overflow
 NdownRound down, and throw on overflow
 NupRound up, and throw on overflow
 NzeroRound to zero, and throw on overflow
 NexpectReturn fxd::expect::maybe<...> result
 NdownRound down
 NupRound up
 NzeroRound to zero
 NsaturateClamp on overflow
 NdownRound down, and clamp on overflow
 NupRound up, and clamp on overflow
 NzeroRound to zero, and clamp on overflow
 NupRound up
 NzeroRound to zero
 CfixedThe fixed-point class template
 Cis_fixed_point< fixed< Int, Frac, Raw > >Test if a type is fxd::fixed
 Cis_signed_fixed_point< fixed< Int, Frac, Raw > >Test if a type is signed fxd::fixed
 Cuniform_real_distributionAnalogous to std::uniform_real_distribution
 Cparam_typeAnalogous to std::uniform_real_distribution::param_type
 Rfixed_pointConcept to match any fxd::fixed
 Runsigned_fixed_pointConcept to match only unsigned fxd::fixed
 Rsigned_fixed_pointConcept to match only signed fxd::fixed
 NstdSTL namespace
 NnumbersSpecialization for mathematical constants
 Chash< Fxd >Specialization: std::hash<fxd::fixed>
 Cnumeric_limits< fxd::fixed< Int, Frac, Raw > >Specialization: fxd::fixed is similar to floating-point