A fixed-point library for C++.
No Matches

This page explains the rationale behind design choices in this library.


A fixed-point, implemented in the fxd::fixed templated class, is specified as:

The fixed-point class template.
Definition: fixed.hpp:38


  • Int indicates how many integral bits to use. It can be negative.
  • Frac indicates how many fractional bits to use. It can be negative.
  • Raw indicates the underlying representation. When not explicitly specified, it will be the smallest signed integer with Int+Frac bits.

For convenience, there's also the templated alias:

The only difference is that Raw defaults to the smallest unsigned integer with Int+Frac bits.

Some examples:

  • fxd::fixed<32, 0> behaves like std::int32_t.
  • fxd::fixed<10, 0> a 10-bit integer.
  • fxd::fixed<33, -1> only stores even integers.
  • fxd::ufixed<1, 31> only stores values in the interval \( [0, 2) \).
  • fxd::ufixed<0, 32> only stores values in the interval \( [0, 1) \).
  • fxd::ufixed<-1, 33> only stores values in the interval \( [0, 0.5) \).
  • fxd::fixed<1, 31> only stores values in the interval \( [-1, 1) \).
  • fxd::fixed<0, 32> only stores values in the interval \( [-0.5, 0.5) \).

Note how the intervals are all half-open.

Underlying Representation

The "raw value" of a fixed-point is always a bit-field of a native integer. For instance, the fixed-point fxd::fixed<4, 10> will have its raw value defined as:

std::int16_t raw_value : 14;

This guarantees there will be no gratuitous precision bits nor extra range.

Whenever a bit-field matches the full size of the selected integer, compilers remove all bit-field manipulation overhead, and the bit-field is treated like any regular integer.

But there's a limitation: the C++ language does not allow taking addresses or references from bit-fields. So this code does not compile:

using F = fxd::fixed<32, 0>; // behaves like a regular std::int32_t
F x;
std::cin >> x.raw_value; // error: can't bind bit-field to int&
raw_type raw_value
The raw value, stored as a bitfield.
Definition: fixed.hpp:65

But this does:

using F = fxd::fixed<32, 0>; // behaves like a regular std::int32_t
F::raw_type raw_x;
std::cin >> raw_x;
F x = F::from_raw(raw_x);

While bit operations (<<, >>, &, |, ^) are not available for fixed-point types, they can still be used directly on the .raw_value member.

Extended Integers

The compiler must use the "raw type" as the underlying type for a bit-field. That excludes user-defined types.

The library also makes heavy usage of standard concepts, type traits and std::numeric_limits. To convince the standard library to accept types like __int128 as integral types, we often need special compiler options, like -std=gnu++20; otherwise, the std::integral concept will not match such extended types, and std::numeric_limits might not have a specialization for such a type.

Internally, the library still tries to use 128-bit arithmetic when it's available, even if the standard library does not recognize __int128 as an integral type. When no 128-bit integers are not available, portable routines are used instead, with lower performance.

Rounding Modes

The rounding mode is not part of the type. Instead, it's specified on a per-operation basis, by specifying a rounding namespace. Available rounding namespaces are fxd::down, fxd::up and fxd::zero.

For instance: to evaluate the expression \( x^2 - y^2 \) rounded down, we can write:

constexpr Fxd mul(Fxd a, Fxd b) noexcept
Multiply rounding down.
Definition: round-mul.hpp:117
constexpr Fxd mul(Fxd a, Fxd b) noexcept
Multiply rounding up.
Definition: round-mul.hpp:77

Had the rounding been part of the type, this would require obnoxious typecasts.

TODO: show runtime rounding mode

The default rounding mode is round-to-zero, the same defined by current C and C++ standards for integers. The fxd::zero namespace is defined inline, so these 3 expressions are all equivalent:

auto a = fxd::zero::mul(x, x);
auto b = fxd::mul(x, x);
auto c = x * x;
constexpr Fxd mul(Fxd a, Fxd b) noexcept
Multiply rounding to zero.
Definition: round-mul.hpp:26

Boundary / Overflow Checking

Overflow checking is not part of the type. Since there are multiple ways to respond to an overflow, it would also need rules for mixing up variables that have different "overflow types."

Overflow checking is performed on a per-operation basis, in the namespaces:

  • fxd::except: all functions throw exceptions on overflow.
  • fxd::expect: all functions return a std::expected (if available; otherwise a built-in simplified implementation is used) with a fxd::error value on overflow.
  • fxd::saturate: all functions return either the minimum or maximum value on overflows.

In general, overflow checking is avoided whenever possible, due to the extra runtime cost incurred. Here's an example for calculating an average:

calc_average(const std::vector<F>& values)
if (values.empty())
return 0;
F total = 0;
for (auto v : values)
total = fxd::saturate::add(total, v);
return total / values.size();
constexpr Fxd add(Fxd a, Fxd b) noexcept
Add, clamp on overflow.
Definition: saturate.hpp:275

The division operation here does not need overflow checking, since it can't make the result larger.

The limits of a fixed-point are directly associated with the limits of the underlying representation. This allows for a fast overflow detection through compiler built-in functions, such as __builtin_add_overflow(). Custom arbitrary boundaries are not supported.

Conversions and Mixed Operations

Integers and floating-point values can be implicitly converted to std::fixed. The reverse direction requires explicit conversion.

Fixed-point types can be implicitly converted to another if the destination type is not smaller (in both integral and fractional bits); this guarantees no bits can be lost during implicit conversions. Converting from unsigned to signed requires one extra integral bit, since the highest bit is the sign bit.

Converting to an integer type I can be done with static_cast<I>(...). There's also a convenience function, fxd::to_int<I>(...) that performs the same cast. This function also exists in rounding namespaces (fxd::down::to_int<I>(...), fxd::up::to_int<I>(...), etc). When I is omitted, it defaults to the smallest integer that can hold all of the integral bits; in other words, no overflow can occur.

Converting to a floating-point type F can be done with static_cast<F>(...). Similarly, there's also a fxd::to_float<F>(...) (also present in rounding namespaces.) When F is omitted, it defaults to the smallest floating-point type that can represent all of the bits of the fxd::fixed type; in other words, there's no loss of data in this conversion.

Explicit conversion to a fixed-point type Fxd is done with static_cast<Fxd>(...). There's also a named function, fxd::fixed_cast<Fxd>(...) (also present in rounding namespaces.)

There are two exceptions to this rule:

  • Multiplication and division can be mixed with integers and floating-point, without an implicit conversion to fxd::fixed.
  • Comparisons (==, !=, <=>) can be mixed with integers, floating-point and different fixed-point.

The comparison operators (==, <=>) are always safe:

  • It's safe to compare signed and unsigned fixed-point types.
  • It's safe to compare fixed-point with any integer type.
  • It's safe to compare fixed-point with any floating-point type. The fixed-point value is converted to its natural floating-point type, and a floating-point comparison is used. The return type of <=> in this case is std::partial_ordering.

This decision was made to not require "safe" comparison functions like std::cmp_*.

Intermediate Precision

No attempt is made to preserve extra bits, even though the internal computation might require more bits. This makes operations more predictable. When appropriate, we can manually change the fixed-point type to a wider one:

calc_average_ex(const std::vector<F>& values)
if (values.empty())
return 0;
using FF = fxd::fixed<48, 16>;
FF total = 0;
for (auto v : values)
total += v;
// to go back to a smaller type, an explicit cast is needed.
return static_cast<F>(total / values.size());

Standard Library Integration

Specializations in the std namespace are provided for:

  • std::numeric_limits<>
  • std::hash<>
  • std::numbers::e_v<>, std::numbers::pi_v<>, std::numbers::sqrt2_v<>, etc.
  • std::common_type<> (every arithmetic type is converted to a fixed-point)

Other standard-like elements are provided in the namespace fxd, because the standard disallows specializations/overloads in std: